
Friday, June 8, 2012

Aaron's First Year

This is an email we are sending out to our friends and family but we don't have all the email addresses so I thought I'd post it here too.

Hello Friends and Family!

Aaron is turning 1 year old in a month and we thought we’d send along a few highlights from his life:

  • ·        Aaron was born July 7, 2011. He weighed in at 7lbs 5 oz and 19.5” long.
  • ·        Aaron was blessed in the LDS church on July 24, 2011.
  • ·        At 2 weeks old Aaron would try to push off our hands to scoot around the room – he has always loved to move.
  • ·        On December 4, 2011 Aaron had surgery called a Gortex Suture performed on his left eye due to his Ptosis which means his eyelid muscles didn’t function properly. Now, he can see.
  • ·        At the end of December 2011, our little family moved to Oregon – we love it here!
  • ·        Aaron started to crawl late December 2011 and really started to take off early January 2012.
  • ·        Aaron started to walk at 9.5 months old… crazy! He’s a walking pro now… he just needs to remember to keep an eye out for objects that will clip his poor head.

Aaron loves:

  • ·        To be outside
  • ·        Water
  • ·        Cheese
  • ·        Hugs
  • ·        To wave
  • ·        To blow raspberries
  • ·        To read
  • ·        Animals – squirrels, dogs, cats… you name it
  • ·        To eat whatever mom is eating
  • ·        To do whatever mom is doing

As his birthday approaches we know that you might want to get him gifts. He would definitely appreciate them (and so would we!)  If you are at a loss as to what to get him or would like to get him something more than a toy that he will grow out of, we invite you to contribute to his college fund.

Aaron’s college funds are stored in a 529 plan where they will gain interest until the money is withdrawn for college use. Send the money with the attached slip (email me at if you would like to contribute and I'll send you the slip you need) in the mail directly to Oregon College Savings plan, or send us a check with Aaron’s name on it than we will deposit it into Aaron’s account.

We love you and hope you are doing well. We’d love to hear from you, send us an update!

Eric, Jessie, and especially, AARON!

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