
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Water Fountain!

Saturday was an awesome day! We started with Eric working on homework and his Sunday School lesson while I made a pillowcase dress for my niece (we celebrated her birthday on Sunday)

Then, in the afternoon we had an appointment with a Verizon store (Aaron ordered a feature for my phone that we couldn't seem to cancel so we had to take it in - plus we wanted to look at smart phones anyway). We headed out and discovered a magical land right next to the library! A park with a water fountain that shoots out of the ground - it was like from a dream (or similar to the one we saw Friday and wanted to take Aaron to...) so on our way back we stopped there. Oh ... my ... goodness ... I don't know if I have ever seen Aaron so happy!  At first he would start to walk towards it but would change his mind... eventually he got up the courage to even touch one of the spouts. It was adorable to watch him and Eric walking around.

I know this is a lot of pictures and a lot of videos, but I couldn't pick which ones to put up!!!

Aaron wanted to keep up with the other kids so bad - he loved to watch them.

After they finished playing, our crazy, shivering little boy wanted to go back in, so I went with him...
It was cold, we didn't stay long.

Aaron had a blast, and so did we!

We will most definitely go back again

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