
Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Weekend!

If you were to ask Eric what Mother's Day is, he may tell you that he's never heard of it... but if you ask about Mother's Weekend, he'll have lots to tell you!

Last year Eric turned Mother's Day into a weekend long event and this year he did not disappoint! I just want to start off by saying how much I love Mother's Day (and other holidays like it; i.e. Father's Day, Valentines' Day, Easter, and all the other holidays that are there simply to give you a reason to spoil someone and remember the great things others have done for you). It's not like Eric never tells me that I'm doing a great job and it's not like he doesn't randomly spoil me... but we're frugal people and it is WONDERFUL to have a reason to spoil someone because ... well ... it's fun to spoil those we love!

To start off the weekend, we went on a walk and picked up a movie, The Vow. We then went home and made dinner to have as a picnic outside. Once Aaron went to sleep we settled down to watch our movie - which is a Chick Flick... we never get to watch those (Eric was so nice to let me pick a Romance movie!).

Then Saturday morning, Eric let me sleep in and then surprised me with breakfast in bed and a gorgeous necklace! I absolutely love this necklace. Either Eric simply knows me and my tastes really well or he's just gifted when it comes to picking out jewelry because he has yet to go wrong!
I then got to go shopping, by myself! I needed to make a trip to the craft store, Goodwill, and the grocery store for various things and I didn't have to entertain Aaron the whole time. It was SO nice.  When I came home, Eric gave me my next gift: a gorgeous homemade card (that he purchased... knowing I would appreciate that time was put into making the card even if he didn't make it himself) and The Muppets. Eric and I both loved this movie and I am excited to watch it with him again. We then went on another walk to return The Vow to go to Baja Fresh for lunch. That evening we had friends over and played games.
Womens Swimwear Cover ups

Sunday morning brought super early church but following church I received my last gift: a swimsuit cover up from Hapari that I've had my eye on for a while now. We then took a nice nap and had dinner.

After dinner we did a google hangout with my family and then I informed Aaron that I'd had a great Mother's Weekend but he wasn't allowed to mooch off of Daddy's gifts next year - he had to make me a card or something (I was, of course, joking). He then proceeded to come toward me and spin my chair around and around and around. He was giving me a ride... kinda like my own personal chariot, except, we didn't go anywhere. It was cute though!

I absolutely enjoyed Mother's Weekend and I am so stoked for Father's Week (it has to be week because Father's Day we leave for a cruise, so I plan to celebrate early before my family gets here to watch Aaron). Like I said, it is SO fun to spoil those we love!

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