
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Crazy Day

Yesterday was crazy. I had a ton of laundry to do and I volunteered to watch my nieces for a few hours while I did it.  I thought it would be fun to paint their nails, and it was; so much fun in fact that Aaron grabbed a color and stood next to me grunting and waving the polish in my face... o_O  He didn't calm down till he was in my lap and the lid was off. He was entranced as I painted his toe - he didn't try to grab the polish or the toe and he even helped me blow on it as it dried (so cute!). He has been giggling and playing with it ever since!

As always happens with laundry, it took me longer than I thought and so I was late with dinner and our friend who watched Aaron was late from work so we didn't make it to the temple as was our original plan.

Aaron did not sleep hardly at all all day and so I was eager to not be around my son(don't get me wrong, I love him, but I had used up my last nerve with him several hours earlier). Since we didn't make it to the temple, we simply went out.

Eric took me up on a mountain where we should have been able to see Portland - except the trees had grown since Eric had been there and more houses were put up, but we were able to see a beautiful view nonetheless.

The only picture we took after the sun went down was one of this amazing room
I want it... I'd put a library at the top or the master bedroom with remote controlled shades

I had so much fun on my date!

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