
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Indoor Picnic

Yesterday, I wanted to take Aaron on a walk - but it was gloomy all morning. Then, when the sun finally came out I wasn't feeling too good (the kind where getting dressed involves putting on a new pair of pajamas and calling it quits there)... I had imaginary guilt for not taking my son out into the sun so I decided to have a picnic with him, inside.

Now, this was a picnic, not to be confused with the tea party Aaron's cousin insisted we have on Saturday.  (use your imagination and see the tea party that Lucy envisioned... picnics and tea parties are very different... tea parties are for girls, picnics are for boys, got it?)

In fact, Aaron wanted so much to not be a part of the tea party that he went to play with powertools with Daddy instead. (Eric was installing the cabinet latches so Aaron can't get in them any more)

So, today we had a picnic. Aaron had so much fun going from bowl to bowl... We laid down a blanket to make clean up easier.

Now, I realize that he is drinking in almost all of these pictures - it's because that was the only time he didn't dive for the camera. So, uh, enjoy watching my son enjoy his juice. :}

He would only keep the hat on while his hands were occupied... drinking his juice

Chomping on the cheese!

It looks like he is holding his pinky in the air... perhaps he learned something from his tea party

We had cheese, pretzles, crackers, and taquitos. mmmmmmmmmm

Rubbin' the full belly.

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