
Monday, April 23, 2012

The Great Outdoors

Last week in Elders' Quorum, the teacher challenged the men to take their families to the temple. Not just go to the temple with his wife, but to take the entire family and simply be on the grounds and visit the Visitor's Center.

It has been beautiful this weekend... every day in the 80's and we really wanted to take that challenge so on Saturday we went to the temple. Aaron loved the ... um ... fountain. :D

First we started by sprinkling Aaron's hands with the water...
But that wasn't enough for very long

Aaron had a LOT of fun in the water...

After the fountain, we walked back to the car to change Aaron's clothes before we went in the visitor's center

We set him in the grass while we grabbed his clothes and he really enjoyed just sitting there.

Then on Sunday it was again, gorgeous so we went outside.

We learned Aaron loves sitting on the grass so long as he has no desire to go anywhere...

If he wanted to move, he'd do his fake whine hoping we'd come get him...

Once he got to where he was headed, he was fine.

He slowly became more comfortable with the grass.

Aaron loves Mama's sunglasses...

He likes to take them off and then try to put them back on

Exploring Dandelions

An actual 4-Leaf Clover! I gave it to him and he tried to eat it... that's gratitude for ya!

Playing with Daddy

A cool pine cone

Then it happened... Aaron saw the squirrel

He wanted to go get the squirrel

Who wouldn't?  It's so cute!

So we went to chase it (look close for it's little head beside the tree root)

And it ran up the tree...

Then we went to the toddler park beside our complex

Aaron enjoyed the swings, but mostly he liked watching his shadow

Best seat in the house!

Aaron really loved the slide.
He learned very quickly how to scoot his bum and lean to send himself on down

We definitely enjoyed our weekend in the sun

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