
Monday, April 30, 2012

A Day At Gramma's

Mark and Ane are out of town so naturally, I go use their washer and dryer. :D Aaron was determined to not take a nap so I spent the day following him around with the camera.

First, he searches the house for Gramma -- this is routine when we go to do laundry and she isn't there. Here he is searching upstairs.

Aaron loves to help with the laundry 

First he checks out the dryer...

then he crawls on top of the laundry (no, I did not put him there)

and goes back to looking in the dryer

Aaron loves to wave... but he will only wave at himself in the mirror.
In fact, it is the first thing he does when he sees himself... 
I've told this to people who try to get him to wave and 
I always get a look that says of course he does...n't ... so now I have proof
**note please excuse the orphan look... it's laundry day, no one ever looks good on laundry day**

Aaron always moves when I try to take a picture...
Imagine his head on the left side of this photo and you'll get what I thought I was getting... 
Instead, he ducked and I ended up with just me. 

At first, Coby (not actually sure how to spell his name) was lonely enough to even let Aaron pet him...
But that didn't last long

We took a trip outside to sit and look at Mark and Ane's AMAZING backyard.

And that was the end of our day at Gramma's house

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