
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Our New Apartment

I know we've lived here for 3 months now, but I have yet to show you our apartment!!!  I have a lot of family that wishes they were here to see the place in person so I did a video tour... I explain all (most) of the crafts I have done around here so if you are curious how I did something, watch the video.  I also took pictures so that when I print my blog in the future, something shows up (cause videos don't ... sadly ... wish it was like Harry Potter... moving photos in a printed album would be AWESOME).


Remember, you can click on the picture to make it bigger...

Entry Way


Living Room

I have to tell you about this real quick...
This is my favorite shelf on the book shelf.
My dad got me these mini HP action figures and my sister told me to not open them because they would be worth more later still in the packaging and I only wanted them for display.
I told this to Eric and he asked me if I wanted to open them and I said yes... so I did
the end

Aaron's Room


Master Bedroom

1 comment:

  1. Loved it!!! Thanks for sharing!!!! I really wish i lived closer to you so we could do craft days you are so talented. Love all of the stencils and everything wish i decorated my place more.
    PS saw 7 wonders on your book shelf that has become one of Nic's and my favorite game.
    Well you really cute thanks again for the tour!


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