
Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Movies

Eric and I have been on a movie watching spree and yesterday Eric said he felt it warranted a blog post :}

I wish the Oscars had been today rather than last Sunday... Each Oscars, some of Eric's family will get together and guess who will win what... and had the Oscars been one week later, I think we would have done much better.

Each of the movies we watched without watching trailers... we didn't actually know much of anything about any of these movies.

Last Saturday (before the Oscars), we watched Warrior. It was really quite good. I loved how at the end everything tied together ... the boxing story as well as the story taking place outside of the ring.

Then we watched Contagion which wasn't up for an Oscar, but was still very good. Seriously folks, get your food storage and above all, wash your hands!!!

We also watched Moneyball which was another good movie. We enjoyed watching even though neither of us knows much about baseball... we each knew enough to fill in the gaps for the other, which was nice.

There was a Groupon for the theater right by us called Cinetopia that provided 2 tickets to any theater plus a large popcorn for $18 when regularly it is $50... so we jumped on that! We went and saw The Artist in one of the Movie Parlors. I wish I had brought the camera! Allow me to describe the Movie Parlor - When you walk in you see 3 rows of recliners., behind those you see 2 rows of couches, and at the front you see 3 very large, very comfortable, circular couch ... things. Obviously, that is where we sat. This theater seats 25 people at capacity so it is very fun! We laid down and snuggled on our couch thing and enjoyed watching the movie. We were very close to the front so due to our angle a few things were skewed (everyone had big feet, big hips, and the door frames widened at the bottom) but we hardly noticed. After the movie we went out on the private deck attached to our theater to look over a pond/small lake. It was gorgeous! This movie was really well done. We walked away from it feeling like it wasn't actually a silent film because each character seemed to have a voice. I think this movie was my favorite of all the ones we saw (not just because of the attached experience).

We then rented Hugo last night. I think this is the movie that we knew the least about... we knew it was set in Paris and that half of it was computer generated and the other half was real -- that's it. But we enjoyed it. I think we were expecting more of a child's movie but that was not the case. It was a very deep movie that portrayed many of man's innermost desires.

Ah, good movies ... now that we have more movies under our belt, it is time to prep for Mass Effect 3!

Time to save the world.

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