
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Strange Sound

I was out in the living room this morning - Eric and Aaron both still asleep when I heard Aaron start to stir in his room. I didn't think much of it and assumed he was playing in his crib (forgetting that when he was awake in the middle of the night not wanting to go back to bed I laid him on the floor so that I could be beside him as he drifted off to sleep).

It wasn't long before I heard him laughing and I was excited thinking that he was simply enjoying his time in the crib... but then I heard a very strange noise accompanying the laughter. Confused, I went to the bedroom to see what was going on.

I found him behind the door with a new favorite toy. He hadn't discovered this before because as you can see in the video, the door doesn't stay closed unless you fully shut it. So when he goes to explore behind the door he usually just gets stuck or shuts himself in accidentally - either way he doesn't usually enjoy being behind the door.

I thought this was super adorable.

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