
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Crazy Crazy Crazy

Sorry it has been so long since I posted and sorry if the fact that the past posts were written today but show up as having been written weeks ago...  I plan to print my blog as a scrapbook/journal for last year so the posts belonging in last year needed to show up with those dates.

Things have been crazy here! Not just moving in and organizing but Aaron crawls now ... none of this scooting stuff, he legitimately crawls and that makes it much harder to get anything done. He goes everywhere he shouldn't and never stays where he I put him. Right now he's chilling on my lap (he sits up on his own now too) talking and angry that I won't let him have the keyboard ... he still loves technology, always and forever.

We've been moved in for almost 2 weeks now ... here are some pictures from since we've moved in.

 Aaron's started sucking on his lower lip ... still won't take a binky though!

 Aaron likes the gifts from my mom - even the paper bowls!

After my niece, Jessica's, baptism, all the children wanted to play with Aaron.
When it was mentioned, one of the little boys (a son of Eric's co-worker), Bridger, said,
"It's cause he's the cutest boy ever!"

We went on a walk down the path beside our apartment

The lower shelf of the coffee table is Aaron's current favorite place.
No joke, he crawls to it, pulls himself up on it and plays with the things I have on the shelf...
I have a video of it, I just need to get it to upload.

Some of my favorite things about our new apartment are:
  • Our large living room - there is room for Aaron to crawl around and play now!
  • Our bathroom tub - 1. it is a tub! 2. it has bowed out curtains so it is even bigger 3. Aaron loves baths. Courtesy of my mom, Aaron has a bath seat and he'll sit and play in there for 30-45 minutes if I let him!
  • Our bathroom layout - though the shelves/drawers are skinny but deep, I like where they are placed. In our old house, the shelves were above/behind the toilet... I had a terrible habit of accidentally knocking things into the toilet.
  • Our bathroom is warm - at our old house, the bathroom was an average temperature of 48 so it was freezing and the wall would collect condensation making our toilet paper moist ... I love having dry toilet paper and a warm toilet seat.
  • Our bedroom has space! - no longer are we confined to a "full" bed, unable to close the bedroom door because of our night stand ... we have a queen size bed that is in the middle of a wall with a nightstand on either side! We have an entertainment center, a rocking chair, and a closet that runs the length of the room!!!
  • Aaron has his own room - it is nice to lay him down, shut the door, and no longer feel the need to whisper while Aaron is sleeping. And if people come over, they don't have to immediately drop their voices because Aaron's room is no longer in the entry way!
  • Our dining area has more than enough room for our table - Aaron's high chair also fits and each of the table chairs is super wide and has wheels but no maneuvering is necessary to get around

I'd also like to thank the following people for their contributions to our new home:
  • David and Emily Bass for gifting us a mattress
  • Ken and Alicia (the EQP and wife in our new ward) for gifting us a bookshelf
  • Jon and Amanda Hornibrook for gifting us an entertainment center, rug, over-sized chair, and dressers
  • Michael and Heather Hornibrook for gifting us a kitchen table and chairs
  • Mark and Ane Hornibrook for gifting us a loveseat, lamp, cookie sheets, broom, television, dressers, a bookshelf, a file cabinet, bedding, pillows, for all of their help in building our furniture and for driving out to help us drive back
  • Michael and Tricia Wilkinson for taking care of us while our house was crazy and for sending us a package a day every day for a week! It was so fun to get all those little gifts! We got a bath seat for Aaron, laffy taffy, paper plates, bowls, and cups, Snickers, socks, bottles, nipples for the bottles, nipples for the bottles I already have, and socks for Aaron! We also got a package of diapers and baby-wipe refills

1 comment:

  1. Your place sounds wonderful! can't wait to see pictures!!!!
    I am glad you get to live near Eric's family, I have always loved them; they are awesome!!!


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