
Saturday, December 3, 2011

Aaron's Technology Obsession

Aaron loves technology...

He tries to take the mouse and remote away from me.

He likes to color on the Xoom (see this post)

He tries to play video games (see this post)

Just last night, Ane was trying to look up her flight confirmation number on her ipad and Aaron started trying to play with it and closed the email on her.

His favorite, by far though, is my cell phone. He loves to play with it.

I know some of these pictures are blurry, but they tell a funny story (I'll translate Aaron's facial expressions for those of you who don't speak baby).

Aaron was playing with my phone when a text message came in from Eric...
causing the phone to vibrate.
Aaron: Whoa... 

Aaron: Mom... what's going on???

Aaron: Better safe than sorry. I think I'm just going to drop it.

Aaron: Huh. It stopped...

Aaron: Looks safe enough...

Aaron: Yup, definitely safe.

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