
Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Yes, I am aware that it is WAY too late for me to be writing a blog post... but I was laying awake in bed thinking about my family.

As a sister it is my job to listen to my siblings and (unless it is BLATANTLY obvious that they are wrong) agree with them that the world is out to get them...
But sometimes I want to give advice but I don't know how it will be received... but I WANT to give that advice. So I thought, how about I give it here... anonymously -   o_O

Sibling #1: Branch out - give up the headband and the chicken. Life is so much cooler when you have more to choose from!

Sibling #2: You are working way too hard... you can't do everything. Prioritize and don't sweat what you can't get done.

Sibling 2.5# You also work too hard... but I appreciate you working hard. Just make sure you and Sibling #2 get out and have fun every once in a while.

Sibling #3: Life isn't as dramatic as it seems. Sometimes you don't have a choice and pouting about it will not get you out of the things you don't want to do. So have fun anyway. Make it work for you.

Sibling #4: You are growing up WAY too fast. Remember that you don't always have the answers. Respect your mom a bit more - she's just trying to help.

Sibling #5: sometimes it doesn't matter what conclusion you come to - it is simply good that you made a decision. Relax. You'll realize someday how wonderful it is to have an opinion.

Sibling #6: ...*facepalm* ... To quote Mrs. Potts, "it'll turn out all right in the end, you'll see."

There... now after I post about Halloween, perhaps I'll be able to fall asleep!

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