
Thursday, October 13, 2011

My Addictions

So, I realized that practically all of my posts recently have been about Aaron or my crafts... so this is a non-baby non-craft related post. Aren't you proud of me?

I considered doing a post with updates about our lives, but really... there isn't much to tell. Eric's doing great in school. He's not only staying on top of his assignments, but doing them weeks in advance - go Eric! I spend my days taking care of Aaron. He has a habit of taking a bunch of little cat naps throughout the day instead of a few long naps so what I get done has to be done quick. He doesn't like the carseat so shopping trips also have to be quick. Mostly we just play around on the floor.

Since I didn't have much to say in the way of updates, I thought I'd tell you about my addiction love! TV. I know what you're going to say - that's a terrible addiction love but Aaron watches with me and occasionally, so does Eric.
I have 4 shows that I follow right now. The Big Bang Theory (Eric watches this one with me), Castle, Bones (technically the new season doesn't start till next month, but I'm counting it anyway), and Psych.

Eric and I love to watch The Big Bang Theory. The show is about 4 scientists and their friend Penny who ... is ... well, not a scientist. I have a love/hate relationship with this show though... While it is hysterical, there is a character that is on the show every once in a while named Amy whom I despise. She makes the show get a little out of control...

Castle is probably my favorite show right now. It's about a mystery novelist who gets involved with the police department and helps solve crimes.

Bones is a show about a forensic anthropologist who helps solve murders and Psych is about a guy who pretends to be psychic in order to help solve crimes. (Can you tell what kind of shows are my favorite? Comedy crime solving shows!)

Today, Aaron was crying so I thought I would sing to him. I have a normal list of songs I pick from but none of them were coming to mind and he was crying so hard! So I started singing the first song that popped into my head: "Soft Kitty." Not only did Aaron calm down but he seemed to be trying to sing with me and he started beaming! (Can you guess the show?)

1 comment:

  1. i LOVE Castle and Psych!! Two of my faves!!! You have great taste in shows! ;)


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