
Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Yesterday, Eric and I were out doing the last bit of yard work for the season. He was mowing the lawn and I was trimming our rose bush down. I was hacking away when Eric called "Sweetheart!" I assumed I was in his way, which I was, but it wouldn't have mattered if I had moved because a duck was in his way too!

I'm totally not kidding here folks... our neighbors have a duck and that duck loves our yard more than its own. In fact, the other day, Eric and I were headed out to go do errands and that duck plopped down in front of our car and wouldn't move - we couldn't get out without going and getting the neighbors to come grab their duck.

I'm not sure what that duck is eating... It certainly didn't like the bread I brought out - 
must be because it was whole wheat. ;) That duck just pecks around the yard and 
finds something to nibble on.

So, I decided I wanted to see how Aaron would react to the duck. At first he was intrigued, but then, like any little boy, decided it wasn't worth his time. The duck would quack and Aaron would smile and look at the duck. But it didn't last long.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for following my blog - yours is super-cute and I just had to comment on this post! LOOOOVE the pics of Aaron and the duck! Too funny and he's totally brave! I think my dogs would be terrified and at least one of them has a good size advantage! : )

    Anyways, I'm your newest follower - can't wait to explore more of your blog!

    -Mel the Crafty Scientist


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