
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Wrong Drawer

Today while Aaron was sleeping I went looking for a shirt I wanted to wear. As I sifted through my drawers, I realized one of them was way over packed. I had noticed this before but being busy hadn't stopped to figure out a better solution. Since Aaron was napping I took the opportunity to start emptying the drawer.

As I went down I found several shirts; shirts that didn't belong in that drawer. I wondered to myself why did I put these here? It then occurred to me that... I wouldn't put them there... I didn't put them there.

Then it hit me. I rearrange my clothes so often to try and make more space that Eric can't keep up. But when he can, he tries to help out around the house (he does it especially when I'm out running errands so I come home to a surprise). He must have done the laundry for me and put things away where it seemed they would go (the drawer had other shirts in it... it wasn't a pants drawer or anything).

I love how even though he isn't sure on where things go, he still tries. He doesn't use it as an excuse to not do the laundry or not do the dishes (I rearrange those every once in a while too). He also doesn't just leave out piles of my clothes hoping I will put them away (when in reality I'll probably knock them off the bed to the floor when I'm tired and then the next day figure out they were clean...). He jumps right in to help!

Even though he's super busy, he still makes time to help me.

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