
Monday, August 29, 2011


'But I don't want to go among mad people,' 
said Alice. 
'Oh, you can't help that,' said the cat. 'We're all mad here.'
Lewis Carroll 

Even though it was a mad house, our family vacation was a blast!!!
It was definitely a sad time when we had to return home to Utah.

We flew out Tuesday, a day early so that we could hang out with our friends David and Emily and their son who is 5 days older than Aaron, Eli. I'll post pictures of Aaron with Eli when I get them from Emily.

 This is a picture of Aaron's first plane ride. He did great! He didn't even fuss.

The festivities didn't begin until Wednesday evening so Eric and I decided to go to the temple. When we got back we hung out in the living room with Jon and Amanda.

 Have you ever played, "Where's Waldo?" 
Well, this game is "Where's Aaron?"

Jon was playing music for Eric and I to guess. 
While the music was going, Aaron would dance. 
He would wiggle and move a ton, but once the music turned off, he would stop.

Thursday the boys went golfing and had a LAN party while the girls went shopping and got pedicures.  It is amazing how different of an experience it is to go shopping with other girls. Don't get me wrong, I love shopping with my husband, but it is very different and super fun to go with other girls and get opinions, etc. We were going to do a foot photo but never got around to it. My nails were quite fun - I did green with black "crackle" on the top. They look like marble. That evening we went and did the Cinetopia experience. It was a theater with screens bigger than IMAX.

We went swimming at a private pool on Friday.

I can't find the picture of it (it's on one of Mark's SD cards), but...
We managed to do a 3 person stack... 
Tyler standing, Eric sitting on his shoulders and me standing on top. Epic!

Not sure why I was making such an odd face...

Aaron really loved the water. He was content to just chill.

I had never used rapid fire before and I clicked it too early -
that's why Jon and Michael are still on the rock.

If you look close, you can see my hand reaching for Eric. 
We actually managed to grab hands before going under.

Saturday, the boys went golfing again while the girls got manicures.
We also did Family Photos.


This picture wasn't posed. 
I was just playing with Aaron and the photographer snapped a photo.
This is Aaron's cousin Thomas. They are 13months apart.

 Here's the whole family... 
I feel like my height doesn't fit in very well....

 couples - plus Rachel.

Saturday night we had a talent show. Aaron's talent was sleeping.
Sunday we did our own church service in the backyard before celebrating birthdays (Eric, Ane, Michael, and mine) with peach pie.

"I Love to See the Temple" 
Special Musical Number by the grandkids

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