
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Why would they do that?

I know I'm judging and I have no right... but really?

I was sitting outside today reading a book on the lawn, guarding my flowers from cats, when a lady down the street starts swearing at her kid and knocking him around a bit. He must have been like 2 years old and he was trying to put his shoe back on but he was standing on the blacktop so he was burning his feet. He was crying and she wasn't helping - she was hurting.  After a few minutes of trying to ignore this scene I had to pack up my things and move inside because I couldn't stand it anymore.

It's probably terrible of me to think this, but I feel like people who don't understand what a gift their kids are shouldn't have them. They don't deserve their children. And I can only imagine how much it hurts Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father to see them treated that way.

If you think about it, when you are going out with your spouse and trying to find a sitter, you wouldn't just grab some random person off the street and ask them to watch your child; you would find someone trustworthy who you know will take good care of your children. When we receive children from heaven it is the same thing. A special and sacred trust is being placed in us to guard, teach, and protect these children.

Yes, I know there are circumstances that I don't know - perhaps the lady was just diagnosed with cancer or something, but still... no matter how bad you may think your life is, you are only making it worse by taking it out on a child.

Yes, I am a judgmental and horrible person for thinking this, but right now, I don't care. I'm going to go take a shower and wash away what I just witnessed.


  1. I'm with you Jessie. There is no call for that. How much was she "knocking him around"? You might want to call CPS...

  2. after seeing lots of different parents interact with their children in lots of different ways through preschool etc I have had trouble with feeling judgmental too. My solution has been to turn it to myself. Take the situation and choose to not do that myself. The only thing we really have control over is our own behavior and we are given experiences to learn and grow. Take it and use it to make decisions about your own parenting!
    its hard to see...but let it be benefical


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