
Saturday, May 7, 2011

I Won!!!

Ok, so every week I look at all the fun giveaways on the craft blogs that I follow and sometimes I enter - but I never win... well, today I woke up to an email in my inbox saying that I won something! Aren't these adorable?

Chris at Us and Them made these and I thought they were SO cute! I love to sew but I'm not very good at it - plus the Mr. and Mrs. require a cruicuit or some other cut-out machine which I don't have (though I have told Eric that once we are rich that is one thing I would love to get!). And now, I don't have to worry about making them!!! I get them for free! Talk about fantastic!

I also won today because I got Eric to go run errands with me! One of the errands he had to come with -- exchanging his shirts (I keep telling him he's not as big as he thinks he is, but he never listens...). I convinced him he had to come with to Costco because he had to get his picture taken (though we learned you can have the other person come in later and I could have just gotten the card myself... oops). Sadly, the car parts store was closed so I am still on my own for that one. (The part the dealership gave me is wrong and they will look at the circuit, but there is a huge fee just for looking at it, not to mention the part fee and service charge... ugh) But then we went to Borders where I got my Mother's Day presents - though Eric is determined to wrap them so I don't actually get them till tomorrow - which is fine. :D

Awesome day.

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