
Monday, May 2, 2011

*face palm*

Why do I feel like if I was a man this would be a lot easier???

So, our (well, technically my since the Saturn is now technically Eric's, not that it matters because the Saturn now hates me too... it didn't used to but ever since it decided it likes Eric better, even though I drove it for 5 years, it now gives me problems) Golf hates me... I truly think it has a vendetta against me! Which is sad because I am absolutely in love with it... I am learning to not push on the super sensitive breaks so hard and I'm getting better at getting in and out of the car. And, I love being able to run errands while Eric is gone...  But now, I get to spend even more quality time with it getting it fixed.

I dragged Eric in with me to get it registered at the DMV and learned we had to get the safety and emissions test done again since we're now in a different state. So we run down to Jiffy Lube and learn it doesn't pass... not just doesn't pass, but it really doesn't pass. Brake light out (they can fix that), mark light out - who needs those anyway? (they can't fix that because it isn't the bulb, the mechanism is corrosive), windshield needs to be replaced - cause of a few cracks??? (they can't fix that either), and, the sporadic engine light decided to turn on - it isn't on now... - and so they said there is a problem with the engine coolant temperature circuit (no, they couldn't fix that either).

So I try to get ahold of my friend's dad who is a mechanic and he won't turn on his phone and his phone doesn't take messages. Blah. Eric called the windshield people and they are mobile (score!) and are coming today (yes, I'm home alone) to fix it. So far, 1 point for Eric (the man) 0 points for me. 

So today I went to auto zone to try and get the part for the mark light... did they have it? Of course not, they only have a universal one for newer cars. The guy didn't believe me when I said it was not the part I needed so I had to take him outside and show him on my car. And then I had to show him how to take the mark light apart (can I say that I felt pretty cool???) After all that, told me his part wouldn't work in my car (duh) and said I had to call the dealership. Still 0 points. And does the dealership have the part? Of course not, but luckily they can order it! Half point for me. I ask them about this crazy circuit thing and he said when I come in to get the other part I can have it looked at and perhaps it is an easy fix! Another half point. I'll get the full point when I finish... The guy at the dealership thinks he can have the part in tomorrow, hooray! But then I have to go to the dealership and deal with more car people - who never make sense!

I am starting to think I should have stuck around when Eric's dad was teaching him how to change an oil filter because with my luck mine will break and I'll have to change it on the highway! (Is that possible? I don't even know...) I wish I could say this was all the car's fault, but really - cars hate me... I think I'm allergic or something. They all seem to break down in my presence. *face palm*

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