
Friday, April 15, 2011

While the Cat is Away, the Mice Come Out to Play!

Ok, so I did a few fun things while Eric wasn't around today and thought I'd show you.  The first was start a new project. Yay!

Now, you may ask yourself, "How is she going to get this --------------------------->

from these materials": 

The answer??? I'm not - at least, not exactly. This cute one above is super bright and colorful - my kitchen consists of green and white  - so mine will obviously turn out different.

Eric went with me to the dollar store to get the frames and then DI to get the wood sign. I wanted to start the project today, and since I'm not allowed to play with sharp objects without adult supervision (Eric was at work) I decided I wanted to paint the frames. I set up shop on the bed (genius, I know... luckily I didn't spill) and added some green accents to the frames. I'm hoping I can get Eric to help me tomorrow so I can have my wood cut and begin the rest of the project.

Eric was super tired today - I can't blame him since he's tired because he was up late making me a milkshake and massaging my back so I could fall asleep.  He came home and took a nap.... he looked so cute all curled up that I just had to take a picture. :D

Since Eric was sleeping, I had to be quiet... so after thinking about it, I finally found a suitable activity:
TADA! Paper Chain! 90 pieces (90 days till my "due date"). Perhaps I cheated a bit by using small pieces of paper so that the chain would be smaller - but oh well. It's bright and fun and short, so I am happy!

p.s. Eric is still asleep, so now I need to find something else to do... hmmmmmmmmmmm

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