
Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Eric and I have been so blessed. We have joined together 2 great families who love to take care of us!!!

This past week, Eric and I were able to fly out to Oregon to pick up a car! His brother Tyler and wife Kelsey bought Dad's car and offered to give us their old one. Now, to be honest, as excited as I was about a new car, I was definitely more excited to have an excuse to go see Eric's family. I love them so much and there is not a single day that goes by where I don't think about them and find myself homesick for a place I've never lived.

I thought I'd share a few pictures from our trip!

Whenever we go to Oregon we make sure to spend time with our great friends,
David and Emily Bass.
We went on a beautiful hike. Look how GREEN this place is!

 I told Eric to poke his head out to get in the picture and this is what I ended up with... :D
He looks slightly frightened.

The tree on the left reminded me of a spider and I wanted a picture...
I asked David and Emily to jump in. 
p.s. She is pregnant too!!! Our babies are both boys and will be 2 weeks apart!

There was a tree that grew in such a way that a seat was formed. Perfect!

So, if I had photoshop, I would have inserted a scared looking Asian family to the left of David.
(Eric's idea)

My sister-in-laws and my mother-in-law threw me a baby shower.
Doesn't this food look amazing???

Katie helped me open the biggest present.

I got this adorable outfit from my sister-in-law Kelsey, isn't it cute? 
My baby boy will dress in style!

Here's what I've done with some of the gifts I've received. A huge portion of what is on this changing table is courtesy of my sister-in-law Amanda. She's amazing!!!

When Ane (my mother-in-law) was growing up, a huge part of Easter was a big Easter Egg Hunt. 
She loved it so much that every year she replicates it with her grandchildren.

Here is the line up - the girls are all geared up to go!

p.s. My sister-in-law, Heather, (the one in blue) is pregnant too! She's due in October!

Eric's parents have lots of fun toys in their back yard, including these big blow up balls!

I absolutely adore my nephew, Thomas, and so the next few pictures are of him.

How could you NOT fall in love with this guy?!?!?!?

I had planned to document our drive home - and ended up taking 2 pictures each day. 
 Trivia time!!! 
How do you know you're getting closer to Idaho? Cows... lots of cows....
How do you know you're getting closer to Utah? The rain turns into snow... lots of snow....

Here is day 1:

Day 2:
Why is it raining as we are getting further from Oregon???

1 comment:

  1. A) I feel so lucky that we made your blog post (even with my crazy husband :)) B) We already miss you guys like crazy C) Can't wait for you to move here in a year D) love you lots!!


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