
Friday, March 25, 2011

Me Crafty? Hahahaha

Ok, sometimes when I'm not careful, I start to fancy myself as a "crafty" person... You know, someone who makes good cards or posters or whatever. But then I see someone else's stuff and realize that I'm really not - though I would like to be. 

Every year at Christmas, I have a blast making cards. Yeah, they aren't great but I have fun and generally they are well accepted.

Well, my most recent downfall is coming in contact with several crafty or home decor blogs... I see all these cute things and luckily I usually just think "hey, I could make that..." and then nothing happens. Well, I saw a project the other day and decided I really wanted to make it - it looked so easy! I definitely made a mess, but I did it. Most of the materials came from the dollar store, so this Easter Egg Wreath cost me about $4. It didn't turn out quite like the one on the blog... I did a few things my own way (of course) but I kinda like the way it turned out. Don't worry, it won't go to my head - but here's my Easter Egg Wreath! Once it stops snowing and being super windy, I'll get to put it up on the door.

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