
Saturday, March 5, 2011


Before I married Eric, my family played games, but they mostly consisted of Uno and Go Fish. Every once in a while Crazy 8's was thrown into the mix. Now, we play board games and video games all the time. I feel that the games we play bring us closer together as a family.

Last week we played Battlestar Galactica with Laura and Melissa - though I failed to get pictures. And the week before we played Twilight Imperium with Laura (I won).  Last night, we had Mikey and Thomas over for a game of Rune Bound - - a game we had never played before. So while Eric read the rules and Thomas set up, Mikey, Wilson (Thomas' friend), and I made hot fudge and brownies. mmmmmm

 Following Rune Bound the boys wanted to play Halo. Halo 2 wouldn't work so the boys played Fusion Frenzy and later Halo 1 while Mikey and I watched. It was a blast to watch Eric whomp on Thomas and Wilson.

Our favorites to play as a family are:
  • Galaxy Trucker
  • Incan Gold
  • Battlestar Galactica
  • Starcraft 2
Eric and I also love to play:
  • Twilight Imperium
  • Race for the Galaxy
  • Dominion
  • Ceasar and Cleopatra
  • Bang
  • Blink
  • Risk 2210 
  • Blockus
If you haven't played these games... give us a call and come on over. We love to play and we have plenty more games... these are just our favorites!

1 comment:

  1. We keep thinking we need to play galaxy trucker with you guys. i've never played it but how could it not be fun with a name like that.


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