
Monday, February 21, 2011

Our Crazy Week!!!

Last Wednesday, we got to go in for our first Ultra Sound. The baby is healthy and growing well and is ................................drumroll please....................................

A BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We got our wish. This was our wish for a few reasons... 
1. Eric's side of the family has 7 nieces and 1 nephew
2. Eric wanted to be the first on his side of the family to produce a male heir first (meaning before a girl)
3. I always wanted an older brother so I want all my girls to have an older brother
4. I felt that it was a boy and have felt that for a while; I was just waiting for confirmation.

Here is a  terrible pictures of my tummy at 19 1/2 weeks. As you can see in the picture, the baby rides really low. Some people have higher bellies, mine is definitely low.

We had a lot of fun at the ultra sound. The technician was checking to make sure everything was normal and such while Eric and I watched as our little boy moved around. He really liked to keep his hand in front of his face -- almost like sucking his thumb. Then we saw him making little jerking movements...we asked the technician what it was and she said the baby had hiccups!  How cute is that???

Valentine's Day was a test day for Eric so I surprised him with dinner -- Chicken Parmesan, Salad, and Garlic Red Potatoes. It was a surprise to him because we had planned to celebrate on Wednesday, the day we got to find out what the baby is....  (reminder... it is A BOY!!!).

For our real Valentine's Day activity on Wednesday, Eric led me on a scavenger hunt which took us to the Old Spaghetti Factory. Neither of us had been before and it was fantastic! Later we came home where Eric presented me with a bouquet of flowers that sings Wild Thing when you press a button and a beautiful pearl necklace! We also curled up in bed and watched a movie. Great day!
Saturday was the UVU competition for my students. I was only able to take 1 team from each level (Level 1 and Level 2) because I didn't have enough boys to make more teams which was sad because I have so many girls. I told my students that in order to go to the BYU competition they would have to qualify -- something that is competely new this year. I was worried that we wouldn't be able to go, but a lot of the students took it to heart and practiced really hard outside of class! My Level 1 students received a Gold medal and my Level 2 students received a trophy for having the highest score in the Silver division. Both of my teams qualified for BYU!!! So now I need to find more boys so that I have enough for a team from each level (there are more dances at the BYU competition). I am hoping that the directors will allow me to borrow 3 male dancers from another school so that both of my teams can go - otherwise I can only take my Level 2 team, which would be super sad because my Level 1's have been practicing so hard!
Eric was my photographer for the competition and he got some terrific shots!

These are my Level 2 students with their trophy!

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