
Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I just have to tell you all about the funniest call that came in while I was covering the front desk in the Theater and Media Arts Department:

Me: TMA Office, this is Jessica
Lady: Hi, is this the Media Department?
Me: Yes it is, what can I do for you?
Lady:  Ok, I need Elvis
Me: I'm sorry?
Lady: *laughs* So, a few weeks ago I ran down with my husband to Vegas and we got married. We didn't tell our kids or anyone and now we are having an open house. Somehow we ended up at the Wedding Chapel -- Chapel of Love -- and Elvis married us... and I want Elvis to sing at my open house...
Me: Do you mind if I put you on hold while I find you an Elvis?
Lady: Sure
Me: *laughs* Kyle, do we know an Elvis?
Kyle: What???
Me: I have a lady on the phone who eloped to Vegas and was married by Elvis. Now she wants an Elvis to sing at her open house...
Office erupts into laughter.
Kyle: Oh boy... Connect her to the music department. :D


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