
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Zoo with Sarah and Milo!

I honestly believe we do not take advantage of our zoo often enough.
The kids love it, as do I! So it was fun to be able to share it with Sarah and Milo!

As we waited for them to arrive, Aaron and Audrey rode their bikes ... kind of, haha!
Audrey still hasn't gotten the hang of it (she hasn't practiced much) so Aaron tried to use his "rescue rope" to pull her along. I love the face she made when it fell! 
 We all piled in the van and drove to the park n' ride to take the train to the zoo! 
  I love how they all were instantly friends!
The otters were show-off's as always. I love it!
So, I thought Aaron was hugging Milo. However, when I showed Aaron the picture later and said, "I love how you were hugging him," he informed me that he was, "actually hiding behind him, in case the ducks bite!"  O_o
 This beaver leapt off his hill in the back and swam right up to give Audrey a kiss through the glass! 
 No one was manning the petting zoo, so we just looked. Sorry kids.
 Somebody get this girl a pony!!!
 Aaron was so close when he guessed that the hawk was a falcon. The gentleman was shocked that Aaron didn't just say, "bird" when he asked, "do you know what animal this is?"
 We told the kids to roar, and they delivered!
 Spontaneous ring-around-the-rosy
 Seriously, so much joy!!!
 This was one of the highlights!
 Audrey was WILD and would charge on ahead whether I was there to support her or not. If her arms were just a bit longer, she most certainly would not have needed my help!
 The kids (Audrey in particular) loved "talking to the animals!"
 Those quills ... eep!
 Playing in the bubble amidst the rodents!
We were definitely worn out by the end of the trip! My kids were in bed by 5:30, haha!
 I have had so much fun reconnecting with Sarah! They have hopes to move here in a few years, and I'll do everything I can to make that happen!