
Thursday, May 28, 2015

Crazy Antics...

What's that? You thought my kids aren't crazy? 
Surprise - they are!!!

Ever wonder how Aaron opens our back door?

Here's Aaron and Audrey playing together ... Aaron encourages her to stand on him or sit on his face...
Yup - definitely crazy!

Monday, May 25, 2015

Happy Memorial Day!

We are so grateful to all those who have given their lives so that we can enjoy freedoms like getting together with family!
I love that my kids have cousins close in age to play with and that I have such amazing family close by!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

A Fun Bass Visit

The Bass family came into town!!!
We miss them terribly when they go home, but LOVE when they come visit!
 There were too many fun things to look at for all kids involved - which is a sign of a good time!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

An Epic Adventure With Flashlights

My dad sent the funnest package today!
He sent a package full of different flashlights for both of my kids. They have had a blast!
Aaron loves to point his flashlight at the ground and say, "Audrey! Do you see those footprints!" Audrey will point her flashlight, look very closely at the imaginary footprints and reply, "Uh-huh!" Aaron will then say, "Let's follow them on an adventure and see where they lead!" And off the two of them will race to find the creature who made the trail.
 Their favorite places to play with them were in my room and the stairwell - the two places it gets the darkest! You can see, Audrey is even wearing the head lamp for playing with the race track!
 Good thing these two know how to wind down after an adventure!
It can be exhausting searching for imaginary creatures!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Aaron's First Primary Prayer

 I'm starting to realize that my kids will never stop growing!!!

Aaron gave his first prayer in Primary today. He did fabulous!
We said a few practice prayers last night to help him think of things that are appropriate to pray for in a Primary Prayer (versus a personal or dinner prayer...).

When we got to Primary, I reminded him that they would announce he would say the prayer and then it would be time - and to not worry, I'd come help him.

Well, they decided to announce a significant amount of the program at once - song then prayer then scripture, etc. He got quite confused - but he heard his name attached to the prayer so he jumped up, climbed the steps, motioned to me with a big waving arm and said, "Come on Mama! It's time!"
I went up and helped him sit back down until the song was over.

 Once he got up the steps for the prayer, he got a bit nervous. I guided him through the beginning of the prayer and he ended it all on his own. 

I'm so proud of him!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Contico Choir Performance

Eric was asked, once again, to be a drummer for a choir and other show numbers!

He's getting quite popular! Probably because he's SO GOOD!

Tonight, he accompanied the Contico Choir.
We had a lot of fun attending the concert, just the two of us (one of our teenage neighbors just got certified as a baby-sitter so we were able to go alone)!

 Eric's family was all out of town on the company incentive trip so I recorded the songs.
I had the best seat in the house! Though, you can't hear the choir very well from where I'm sitting, but let's be honest, I didn't come to hear the choir! (it was well balanced, I promise)

The first song he accompanied was "Lullaby on Broadway."

 The second song (and closer for the night!) was "Route 66.
I'm so proud of this guy! I love that he gets to use his talents and that he gets to share his drumming skills!

Thursday, May 14, 2015


Lately, to break up the crazy stressful days Eric has at work due to the projects he's in charge of, I've been snapping more pictures of the kids with my phone and sending them to him.

Audrey decided she wanted to finish off Aaron's cereal... Aaron discovered his boat could take batteries. I told him (not wanting to bother with it at the time) that he'd have to wait for Daddy to get home. He said, "No need! I have my own tools!"
 We are all baby obsessed right now - both Aaron and Audrey love carrying around the baby dolls and taking care of them! 
 Surprise! Audrey can open the fridge! And she enjoys cracking eggs... Yeah, I rearranged the fridge.
 I informed Audrey it was nap time and the next thing I knew, she had emptied the dress up bin and was hiding in it... 
 We love our stickers...
The kids LOVE coloring ... coloring on random scraps of paper is apparently the best - it's hard to color inside the lines so why not go for a paper with no lines?
I was working on shapes with Audrey (heart, star, circle, etc.) by drawing them and then pointing to them and saying aloud the name. She promptly went to do something similar. She'd color on her paper, point to it and say, "Daddy." Then she'd color another and once again point and say, "Daddy!"
Audrey enjoys watching Dancing With The Stars with me and trying to imitate the dancers
Aaron has been FABULOUS at keeping his playroom clean. He no longer needs me in there with him, directing him on what to pick up next. In fact, the other day, he came to me and asked if I wanted to come play Lego's with him after he cleaned up the other toys he'd been playing with! *swoon*
 Aaron's "Magical Forest" that he "built." 
 We loaned our swing to a friend of mine who returned it in preparation for our baby to come - and the kids saw it.
Audrey is a bit obsessed. I told both her and Aaron they couldn't climb in it, but Daddy didn't get the memo (he wasn't home at the time) - and since Audrey has him wrapped around her finger, she is allowed to swing in there, for now.
She enjoys getting in with her babies! 
 We went to the doctor today and both kids enjoyed helping find the heart beat! 
Luckily, our lives aren't terribly exciting right now. We're just playing the waiting game and enjoying our time together as much as possible!